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- Good Tidings in a Busy City
Good Tidings in a Busy City
Building Relationships, Sharing the Gospel, and Growing in Faith
Our family just got back from seeing The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. If you haven't heard of it, it's based on the book of the same name and it tells the story of a small town whose Church Christmas Pageant somehow gets taken over by a family of misfit kids.

I'll try not to ruin too much of it for you, but the whole time I was watching it, I couldn't help but be reminded of the very reason we came to Edmonton. Like the kids in the movie, there are people here in Edmonton who have never heard the story of Jesus. They don't know that there is a God in heaven who loves them. They don't believe that God descended to be with his people. God with us. Emmanuel.
And yet the simple truth is that he did. And he also sent us, his people, you and I who know and love Jesus, to tell others the good news. Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. The good news is that God doesn't just look down from heaven with a check-list looking to see who's naughty and who's nice. He's not building his team with the "good people" and leaving the rest to rot.
No, Jesus came amongst the lowest of the low. Announced first to filthy and unruly shepherds. Born in humility. Laid in a manger. Worshipped by those who had little to no worldly rights or privileges.
He came for the dirty, the lame, and the broken. He came for the misfits, the rebels, and the hard-hearted. He came for people like me. While I was far off and stuck in my sin - thinking I could make my own way and be my own god, he rescued me. His birth, life, death, and resurrection was for sinners like me and like you.
The kids in the movie were told that if they stepped into a church building that they'd probably catch on fire. Many people here in this city likely believe the same thing. They know their unworthiness, but they don't know God's mercy and grace.
And yet there are others, who grew up in the church, attended all the functions, and have likely heard the story year after year. Except they haven't really heard it. Not really. They look at those on the outside of their Christian bubble, judging them, sometimes not even silently, assuming that it was their own good works or good morals that put them right before God. But they are just as blind as those who have never heard. Because they mishear and misapply the stories to suit their own feelings and agendas.
And yet God is a God whose arm is not too short to save. He can save the religious and the un-religious alike. The very reason Jesus came was to make a way where there was no way. What is impossible with man is possible with God.
I really needed to be reminded of this because over the past few months things have been slow. Like, painfully slow. For someone who likes to get things done and make things happen, as much as I knew it would be, my patience has been tested again and again.
Building a core team from scratch isn't necessarily harder than I thought it would be. I knew it would be hard. At least, I told myself and everyone else I knew it would be hard. But when most of the conversations we've had with people end with, "we're not ready for the commitment of being on a core team, but let us know when you get a Sunday service started," it can feel a bit demoralizing, if I'm honest.
But we press on. We build connections. And we walk by faith.
A few weeks ago, Jared and I walked around our neighbourhood, knocked on doors (individually, so as not to be confused with those "elders" who go two-by-two), and invited people to come over to our house to learn more about the Bible, since we know that his word has real power. Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
Kim and Chantel had been to a neighbourhood ladies' get-together a few times and it was mentioned that the lady who organizes it had a husband who had just started reading the Bible and would probably like to learn more. So we figured why not start a neighbourhood Bible study on Friday evenings as a way to get to know neighbours and let them know right off the hop that we're Christians and we're happy to welcome people into our homes.
As people who are generally more on the introverted side, Jared and I did this, not out of natural gifting, but out of a desire to love people and show them Jesus. But with prayer and a willingness to step out in faith, we went, not knowing what kind of responses we would receive. Hearing from others the open hostility they've faced in their communities, not to mention seeing posts in some of Edmonton’s online groups about people's hatred for anything that even smells religious, it was hard to know what to expect.
But nobody slammed the door in our faces. There was no persecution. In fact, I had a few people sound actively excited that we would be willing to do something like this. The more the night went on, the more I felt a spring in my step between every house I went to, feeling my natural shyness and trepidation overcome by God's comfort and joy.
Then the first Friday came. We had one neighbour show up. The second week we had two. Things were looking like perhaps we were going to experience exponential growth, like the early church. But then as a way to ensure we remained humble: on the third week, we were back down to one, and by this past week, it was just our two families again.
Like I said, things are slow.
Now December has arrived. The Christmas decorations are out and there are songs playing in the mall proclaiming the birth of our Messiah, all the while an unsuspecting crowd goes about their day in the hustle and bustle of all the activities that await until the new year comes. But the busyness seems to make people feel like they're already so full with the obligations of the season that they have no room to make new friends or join new communities.
But again, as a means of walking by faith, the Klassens are planning on hosting a Christmas party for the neighbours we have started to build relationships with, knowing that we're not here just to start a Church service, but to introduce people to Jesus. To build real community. To help people discover that discipleship isn't just about programs and Bible studies, but about being God's people and living as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.
As we continue to build these connections and rely on God's provision of a core team, we're also coming to the realization that we need to rely on God for our financial provision as well. Since many of the funds we had allocated for 2024 as well as the contracts we had through Digital Indoorsmen are soon coming to an end.
If you know us, you'll know that Jared and I aren’t great fundraisers. We're happy to work hard and happy to provide a good service for people, but neither of us terribly love talking about money.
I keep thinking back to that moment when I first really felt the tug to Edmonton. "If finances weren't an issue, what would you do right now?" And all throughout the process, the funny thing is that finances have kind of continued to be an issue. And yet God has provided. He provided for us for 2024 in getting the contracts and church support we needed to move to Edmonton. He's continued to provide thus far. And we know he's going to provide for 2025. We just don't know how yet.
We're looking at alternate sources of fundraising. We're looking at applying for different kinds of jobs. And we're keeping open hearts and open minds about how God wants to provide for our families in this season as missionaries to Edmonton.
The good news is that God has not left us alone. He's sent us his Spirit. He's made us part of his Kingdom family. And as we've been here, we've been blessed to be able to be reminded week in and week out that God is at work. He continues to save people and bring them out of darkness into his marvellous light. Even just this past week, we were blessed to witness baptisms of 3 people when we gathered on Sunday with West Meadows Baptist Church.
So for those of you who have stuck around to the end of this letter, we thank you for praying for us. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for being behind us in this mission to see those who are lost become found and delight themselves in our wonderful saviour.
If you would like to contribute at all to any of our expenses for moving or the ongoing cost of serving in these roles of missionary-church-planters, you can do so at https://graceyeg.com and click the “Connect” link on the top left.
If you'd like to read previous editions of the newsletter, you can do so here: https://graceyeg.beehiiv.com/
On behalf of our families, Merry Christmas to all in this beautiful season,
Clay & Jared