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- A Bit of Momentum
A Bit of Momentum
A new season feels like it's beginning to bloom
“One does not microwave the bread of life”
This is a quote from Jared Wilson’s latest book, Lest We Drift, where he reminds the reader that from the outside, Gospel-centered ministry can often look slow and inefficient. But that’s actually a feature, not a bug. The inefficiency of it all requires us to develop and learn patience, resilience, and a greater reliance upon the Spirit of God, rather than merely a copy-and-paste formula, as if planting a local church were just a franchising operation.

After a great Christmas break, where both the Bitners and Klassens were able to take a trip back to Saskatchewan to catch up with family and friends, the entrance of a new year felt like a bit of a reset.
School had started up again. Rhythms and routines began to once again groove into place. And by God’s grace, both Jared and I received some good news from a few of our Digital Indoorsmen clients that our contracts would be extended, and in some instances expanded.
So for the moment, that means that for Jared and I, approximately 75% of our time is accounted for by subcontracting as software developers for One Hope Canada and Contrast Software, respectively. It’s a relief to have the majority of our expenses accounted for, and with so many people praying for us to be able to find work, this definitely felt like an answer to a heavy prayer. That means that as we continue to do fundraising and look for other forms of support, we’re able to focus on building up for the inevitable costs associated with gathering together on Sundays, rather than just looking to see how we’ll pay the bills and get food on the table in the short term.
Another form of reset that came over the Christmas break was with the neighbourhood Bible study we had started. With winter coming in full swing bringing minus 30 to 40 temperatures along with the busyness of the Christmas and New Year season, we just weren’t able to establish enough momentum for people outside our families to even remember that we were still doing it after the Christmas break.
So we decided to restart with a wider geographical focus, and let people know that it would be a 10-week study through the entire Bible, starting the week after Valentine's Day. This gave us the chance to specifically invite some people again who had expressed interest before, as well as give enough lead time for them to invite others as well.
Utilizing the Good News Story curriculum we helped develop with Grace Saskatoon, we’ve now met two times and it’s actually gone extremely well. These last two weeks, we’ve had 15 people crammed into our main floor for the study, while kids play upstairs and try not to cause too much trouble.

It’s starting to feel like there’s some real momentum going, and those who are coming are excited to invite others and share the Good News that they’re learning about. It was so encouraging to have so many join in the Bible Study, but to top it all off, we’ve also heard news that another family from Saskatchewan has planned to make the move and join us here in Edmonton, and is likely to move just down the street from us too. The melting snow and ice along with the bright sun that we’ve seen over the last few weeks has really felt like the perfect compliment to go along with how the difficulty and emotional rollercoaster of the end of last year has begun to turn once again to hope that Jesus really does have something planned for us here in Edmonton.
Jared and I have also had the opportunity to preach a couple of times in the last few months both with West Edmonton Baptist as well as Redemption Church, both very supportive churches here in Edmonton. And next week, not only do I get to preach, but our Grace Edmonton band has the opportunity to lead worship through song as well, as we join with Sunrise Community Church, March 9, at 9:45AM (in case you want to come join us or know someone who would like to). After not playing together for the better part of a year, I’m so excited to be able to lead music again with Jared, Kim, and Wyatt.
In addition to finding opportunities to preach, we have a couple of information/vision meetings planned over the next while, the first of which is March 30th at 3pm at West Edmonton Baptist. We’re hoping to help people get a taste of what Grace Edmonton will look like and give the opportunity for people to ask questions and learn more about the church plant.
Church planting is rarely a quick and easy endeavor. With every story of a church planted, you’ll hear of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, victories and setbacks. But through it all, as Christ’s people are faithful to make disciples who make disciples, Jesus grows his church, people understand God’s great love for us, and Jesus is glorified.
Our goal is not to be a flash-in-the-pan here-today-gone-tomorrow church. We want to be a church that is centered on the Gospel with a hope that Jesus will use this church to glorify Himself for generations as we continually seek to remind ourselves and others that Jesus loves sinners, Jesus saves sinners, and even as the foremost of sinners, I can attest that Jesus changes sinners. It might not be quick and easy, but hardly anything worth being a part of is.
Jesus didn’t just come to earth and accomplish his mission in a matter of days, weeks, or even months. What he started wasn’t even just 30 years in the making while he grew up and worked a job as a carpenter. This whole Gospel story that we are now a part of had been brewing in the heart of God from before Creation. As Jared Wilson says, “One does not microwave the bread of life.” I’m excited to see what God has in store for us, and I hope that as things move slowly, that I can remind myself that Jesus has a better timetable than us. And we can rest while we move forward and work hard at what he’s given us to do. Because this church is for His glory, not ours.
Thank you again for praying for us. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for being behind us in this mission to see those who are lost become found and delight themselves in our wonderful Saviour. If you want to contribute by praying or through financial support, or if you know of others who would like to be a part of this mission to Edmonton, head over to https://graceyeg.com.
On behalf of our families,
Clay & Jared